From swimsuit competition glamour to parish pulpit clamor
Boston.com--- On a recent Sunday morning, 30-year-old Nicole Lamarche, a former Miss California, stood before a crowd in a simple clapboard church next to a local watering hole. She wore high-heeled boots, her thin figure draped in a black robe.
"I feel so lucky to be your pastor," she proclaimed.
Lamarche became minister of Cotuit Federated Church two years ago, shaking up its stodgy routine and causing quite a stir in this quiet Cape Cod village of about 2,600 year-round residents.
She says four parishioners defected early on, after people Googled her name and discovered her beauty pageant past, but these days residents credit Lamarche with injecting new dynamism into the town and the church.
Lamarche says she understands that for some the "pastor in a swimsuit thing" is hard to swallow, but she simply needed the money. Loyal members of her congregation accept her explanation, buoying her spirits. Plus, says Lamarche, "If you can walk on a stage in your swimsuit, you can do anything."
After a service earlier this year, the congregation gathered for coffee, fruit salad, and cookies in an adjoining reception room, chattering with each other and the pastor who was once Miss Desert Vista.
This is exactly what the church needs to get people start going again, beauty pageant winners. I may even think about going to church if there is a sexy pastor giving a sermon. Especially if she preaches by screaming "oh God, oh God". I betcha that since she has moved to that church there are a lot more men going to church on Sunday's. And they probably all sit up front and pay attention. Why has it taken this long for a hot chick to start preaching? This would make church so more popular. No one really wants to look at old men ever.
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