UFO falls in Kazakhstan – witnesses
Russia Today---Residents of a western Kazakhstan town reported that they witnessed two silver objects fall from the sky on Wednesday night“It was at about 3AM. I was standing by my tractor when the guys started shouting: ‘Look, there are some balls flying.’ They were big and sparkling with yellow, red and green,” an eyewitness told Interfax news agency over the phone.
According to the witnesses, the spherical objects were approximately 60 cm in diameter, had a silvery surface with what appeared to be a small opening. The UFOs failed to bend or dent when local residents attempted to strike them with their tools, and said the balls produced sparks when they attempted to do so.
A preliminary investigation has failed to identify the strange objects, but according to head of the local emergencies service Aleksandr Ivanov, they are most likely “fragments of a man-made aircraft.”He also noted that the region where the two spherical objects were discovered has no history of similar incidences.
“Objects fall on the areas bordering the Russian military test range Kapustin Yar, but here it’s a rare thing. I’d say it’s a first,” he said.
The balls were found to pose no immediate threat to public health or the environment and were sent for further research to “a specialized organization.”
If you think that is weird how about a moose falling from the sky.
Sportsman Offroad---Clinton, Maine police received reports that a 500-pound moose had fallen from the sky onto Hinckley Road at 8 a.m. yesterday.
Assistant town clerk Shirley Bailey was alerted by a motorist traveling under an Interstate 95 bridge that "a moose just fell out of the sky."
Bailey said the motorist seemed excited about the find according to the WABI-TV5 news desk.
Police Chief Charles Runnels said that the panicked yearling bull probably jumped off the bridge’s guardrail and fell victim to an 18-foot drop onto the road below.
An individual with a wrecker volunteered to haul the carcass away.
Apparently in Alaska moose jump to their death all the time on one stretch of highway, so moose falling off a cliff is somewhat common.
Crytomundo---We’ve seen the highway signs that warn of falling rocks, and we’ve seen the ones that warn of moose crossing.
Now Howard Peterson of the Alaska State Troopers wonders if we need a new sign:
Watch for falling moose.
A swing-shift trooper based in Girdwood, Peterson was cruising the Seward Highway the night of Feb. 2 a couple miles north of McHugh Creek when something big and black fell from the sky, landing about 20 feet from his car.
“Falling rock!” he thought, ready to steer clear if it bounced onto the highway.
When the rock didn’t roll or shatter, Peterson’s brain came up with a crazy image:
“Falling moose?”
An adult moose, wandering rocky terrain more suitable to the Dall sheep that populate it, plunged to its death from the tall cliffs that hug a highway famous for its scenery and wildlife.
The animal landed on the side of the road just a few yards in front of Peterson, who figures it fell 150 feet, maybe farther. He snapped a couple of photos and called one of the charities that salvage road kill to tell them there was a moose available at Mile 113 .
Then he started wondering what happened. Did the moose jump?
“How would you say it — moose-icide? He probably thought he was the only moose, with all those sheep around,” Peterson said.
More likely, though, something spooked the moose and it fell. It was windy that night, Peterson said, so maybe a gust startled it.
Or maybe the moose merely misstepped.
“I’m sure the moose didn’t jump,” state wildlife biologist Rick Sinnott said. “They occasionally have bad days like the rest of us. They slip and fall. Maybe he was reaching for a branch and the snow just gave way.”
In his years on the job, Sinnott has seen many moose die in many ways. He’s heard tales of them breaking through ice and drowning, jumping off railroad bridges at the sound of a train, falling off small banks. Once he saw the remains of two bulls that died together during a rutting battle when their antlers got hooked together by a single piece of barbed wire.
But a plunge from a tall cliff? Sinnott doesn’t think it happens often.
In 1995, a moose calf slipped off a cliff and fell 100 feet to its death in nearly the same spot, but flying moose remain an oddity.
As for Peterson, he’s been a trooper for five years and has seen lots of things fall from cliffs while on patrol — rocks, snow, mud, cars.
Cars? Yes, cars: “I used to work in the Valley,” he said, explanation enough.
But he always figured moose held steadfastly to the earth.
He knows better now.
“They can fly and they can land,” he said. “Just not very well.”
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