'Alien skull' spotted on Mars
Telegraph---One alien-spotter speculated: "The skull is 15 cm with binocular eyes 5 cm apart. The cranial capacity is approximately 1400 cc.
At first glance it looks like a rocky desert - but this image of the Mars landscape has got space-gazers talking.
An oddly shaped space boulder appears to show eye sockets and a nose leading to speculation it might be a Martian skull.
Internet forums are full of chatter about the picture, taken by a panoramic NASA camera known as Spirit."There appears to be a narrow pointed small mouth, so this creature most likely is a carnivore."
Another joked: "The coronal ridge shows ample structure to support the musculature of antennae, although none are visible in this view.
"The nose area is broad and blunted as you would expect to see in a cold and windy landscape. Is he decapitated or is he buried up to his neck?"
Previous images of a skull spotted on Mars in 2006 were believed to have been the result of tampering.
The famous Face on Mars, snapped by the Viking 1 spacecraft in 1976, which showed the shadowy likeness of a human face was late, was found to be a trick of the light when the area was re-photographed in 1998.
I am all for trying to find skulls on other planets. As seen in my previous moon skull picture and thread. But this is ridiculous. People are trying way too hard to turn straw into gold. This is a rock. I personally think it looks closer to a blowing ball than a skull.
There is plenty of stranger stuff on the surface of Mars that get no attention. Such as:
The coin.

Better skulls than the one above.


And some strange objects

This is just a small snapshot of weird stuff on the surface of Mars, but the rock in the story above is the only thing that gets any press in the newspaper? Could it be that the media is covering this story because it is so ridiculous that future stories about Mars landscape will just get swept underneath the carpet? I don't know?
All pics come from the Pegasus Research Corsortium, and special thanks to Mike Singh.
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