A jealous lover flew into a rage and assaulted his girlfriend after she accidentally called him while having sex with another man.
Toni Milton, 38, mistakenly dialled Neil O'Brien's number on her mobile phone while she was making love to her ex-boyfriend, a court heard.
O'Brien, 41, said the sound of his girlfriend sleeping with another man caused him to flip out. He drove to her house and stamped on her face so hard he left a shoeprint, Leicester crown court heard.
So a cheating girl friend calls her boyfriend in the middle of sex. Guy (obviously) gets enraged, goes over and kicks her in the face. I see nothing wrong in this. Yes, you can't hit or kick girls. I know that. But she had it coming. Talk about a dumb ass. Specially since this guy has a history of violence.
This best part is the quote from the judge. Judge William Everard told him: "Any court would understand why you were angry.
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