I don't even know where to begin. This grosses me out just thinking about it. So Saturday night after working in the hot sun all day my roommate decides to go on a booze cruise. After the cruise he buys some street meat, and continues home. He said he had the runs on the boat, and after the street meat the runs returned with a vengeance. But the crazy thing about this story is that he made it all the the way home. He was just ten feet away from the bathroom before Mt. Anus erupted. And it erupted all over the front steps of my place. He couldn't unlock the apartment door quick enough, and let everything go on the steps. And I mean everything. Are welcome mat, ruined!
Now if you know my roommate this is about the norm. Not shitting himself, but stupid drunk acts happen to him constantly. He is just finally recovering from a broken foot he got when he stepped out of a cab drunk. But this story is the best. He said he is not telling anybody about this, but I am telling everyone. To good not to.
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