A woman is accused of chasing her boyfriend with a knife after thinking he was an actor in a pornographic movie they were watching together.
The victim says it all started when he and his girlfriend were inside his southwest Albuquerque home watching a pornographic move at 10:30 Wednesday morning.
That’s when the victim called 911 saying his girlfriend, 20-year-old Amanda Montoya, had a knife.
“She almost shanked me and everything. She put the (expletive) knife right under my throat," the victim told a 911 operator.
The victim, wearing only a pair of shorts took off down Five Points, begging the 911 dispatcher for help.
He said Moya had already stabbed him in the face and bitten him on his chest.
This is why in 30% of porno movies you never see the guys face. Because if you are in a porno movie you show it to everybody. Its a fact. I had friends make sex tapes with their girlfriends, and days after filming there showing it off. Every sex tape of Paris Hilton has been released to the public. Its just a natural thing. I'm pretty sure if I had a sex tape I wouldn't show it to anyone. Strictly because I have seen the faces I make when I am playing sports, and there not pretty. I can only imagine how goofy my 'oooo' face is.
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