The files have been opened for the first time, detailing hundreds of sightings of unexplained objects in the skies over Britain.
They show that the Ministry of Defence was less worried about the possibility of visitors from outer space than in checking that Unidentified Flying Objects were not in reality evidence of covert spying missions mounted by other countries.
Nick Pope, who was responsible for investigating the sightings at the ministry, said: "While there's no evidence of little green men in these files, they should be of immense interest to sceptics and believers.
The Brits are opening up their UFO files. Well on the outside this sounds nice, but don't be surprised not to see anything too juicy. In no way shape or form does a major government want disclosure out there. The only reason why they are letting SOME information out, is because of the recent Freedom of Information Act of 2000.
Overall there has been a global shift in UFO thinking by governments. Just not in the US. The French opened their UFO files not to long ago. The Brazilian government has released files on their knowledge of UFOs.
But the one that I find the most shocking is that the Vatican recently came out and said that it is OK for Catholic's to believe in UFOs.
VATICAN CITY — There could be alien life forms and believing they exist isn't contradictory to having faith in God, the top astronomer at the Vatican said in an interview published Tuesday.
In the Vatican newspaper piece, titled "The Extraterrestrial Is My Brother," the Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes said the expansiveness of the universe means there could be life on planets other than Earth.
"In my opinion this possibility exists," Funes, the director of the Vatican Observatory, told L'Osservatore Romano. "Astronomers believe the universe is made up of 100 billion galaxies, each of which consists of 100 billion stars. ... Life forms could exist in theory even without oxygen or hydrogen."
This is quiet perplexing to me. Why would the Catholic church come out with this. They and any other religion would have the most to lose if disclosure is made available. Just think of the chaos that would occur all over the world if people realize that their religion is a hoax. That their beloved gods and prophets were nothing more than visitors from another planet.
Just about in any religion there are UFO connections. For example when Moses went to the top of Mt. Sinai he saw glowing lights that illuminated the sky. A quick search on youtube can probably show you the same lights that Moses saw. But the person who shot the footage was no prophet, just some redneck with a cell phone camera.
I go back and forth if disclosure is a good thing or not. As I stand right now, I don't think people can handle the truth. As much as I hate to admit it, I think the government is doing the right thing hiding the truth. Because its not as simple as saying there is other life out there. In fact the truth is much more deeper.
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