So I am reading a story in Boston.com and I'm not even sure what the purpose of this story is about, expect that this bitch is crazy. Don't get me wrong I love crazy bitches. I have a soft spot in my heart for crazy blondes, but this bitch might be the devil. Here are the highlights from the article.
BRENTWOOD, N.H.—A man who had a six-year relationship with Sheila LaBarre testified he has a vanity plate that reads, "I'm Alive," and recalled they would fight every day and that she attacked him with scissors, a knife, an ax -- even a gun. ---Vanity plate stating that you survived a relantionship with her.
Brackett, who dated LaBarre between 1996 and 2002, said Thursday in addition to those attacks, LaBarre also whacked Brackett in the face with a 2-foot-long wooden grill brush after they had taken a bath together, knocking out two of his teeth. ---Some rough foreplay.
Brackett, who lived with LaBarre at her Epping farm, said he was so desperate to leave, he hitchhiked through a blizzard to a homeless shelter in Portsmouth. He said the fights had grown so violent and he was afraid one of them might be killed. ---Sounds like the end of The Shining
Philip Sullos, who worked on LaBarre's farm several times a week, said he met Deloge and would often see LaBarre slapping him around. ---Redefining the term "bitch slap"
Sullos recounted one occasion when he saw LaBarre beat Deloge in her home with a hardwood stick until he was bleeding. Deloge didn't fight back but simply shielded himself with his arms, Sullos said. Another time, LaBarre opened a locked door to a windowless wood storage room, revealing to Sullos that Deloge was kept inside. Sullos said he didn't ask why he was in there and that Deloge made no attempt to escape. ---Good ol fashion kidnapping.
Brackett testified that LaBarre stabbed him in the head with a pair of cuticle scissors, chased him through a field with a knife and hacked her way into a camper Brackett was hiding out in with an ax during one of their many arguments. ---More of Jack Nicholson and The Shining
There were a few times LaBarre shot at him with a .38 pistol, bullets whizzing by his head, Brackett said. ---Good thing she is a bad shot.
Brackett was hesitant to categorize LaBarre as crazy, but did call her evil a few times on the stand. ---WHAT? Dude she is crazy.
And my favorite part. Stephen Martello of Manchester testified he picked up LaBarre alongside Interstate 293 in Manchester early on March 28, 2006. LaBarre told him her car had broken down after getting into a fight with her boyfriend and she needed to get to Dorchester, Mass., to meet with an attorney, Martello said.
Martello said the way LaBarre was clutching her purse and her overall strange behavior prompted him to call the Manchester police to ask whether they were looking for a robbery suspect or a woman who had escape from prison or a mental hospital.
Hearing from police they weren't looking for anyone, Martello took LaBarre to a hotel, where they had sex. Martello said that after having intercourse, LaBarre told him he had just had sex with an angel. She also began talking about discovering child pornography that belonged to her boyfriend. LaBarre claimed her boyfriend and all police officers were pedophiles and that "sex offenders must all die," said Martello.---So he called the police to see if she was a criminal, and when he found out she wasn't, he had sex with her. Then she bust out some child porn. Fucking classic!
Stay away from those crazy bitches, they will end up killing you.
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