I freaking hate rain. I really freaking do. But since walking is my main form of transportation, I accept and embrace walking. Not today. The first summer thundershower is about to hit us. And I am totally not ready for the elements. If I didn't have to walk home and then walk a dog, I would have no fucking problem with this shit. But for the last two hours I have been stalking the sky, this shit is going to rain the moment I step outside of my office. The weather bitches are predicting 50mph winds, hail, and lightening. There are only two things I fear on this planet, and lightening is one of them. Put me in a tank of killer sharks, lock me in a haunted house, or let my fly in plane with broken landing gear, I will take any of those options over walking outside in a lightening storm. My reasoning... I have some bad luck when it comes to stuff like this and I am over due for a lightening strike.
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