Election day is the day for the sheep. The sheep venture out and think that their vote is going to make a difference. Well it doesn't. In the US you don't vote for the candidates, but for electors. Each state has x=n electors. These electors can pick any candidate they want. If a whole freaking state all vote for McCain, the electors could still pick Obama. This doesn't make sense.
The person with the most votes doesn't necessarily mean that they will when. In 2000 Al Gore had more votes than George Bush, but he still lost. But the sheep don't really think in these lines. They believe that standing outside on a cold November morning holding a sign will influence people to change their vote.
Those political signs are just so boring. Everybody has the same stupid signs. Where is the originality?

You can get your message across, and use that thing that sits own your neck to be a little bit creative.
I really don't think it matters who we vote for president. I think we are all fucked. I think war is on the horizon. It doesn't matter who is in office.
A while back I guess I was a Hilary fan. But that was only because of Bill. The country ran smoothly when we was around. Who cares if a intern was sucking him off. We weren't at war, the world still sort of liked us, and we had money in our 401Ks.
So America has a tough decision coming up next week. Its not as easy as "Forward with Fung".

But the real wild card for this election is McCain's daughter. Meghan McCain is just waiting to whore herself out to America. She has already said she will get a tattoo of "live free or die" on her if her dad wins New Hampshire. And you know the tat will end up right above her ass. She will get some nice ass antlers going. That is of course if she doesn't have them already.
But if she does end up in the White House, mark my words, there is going to be some story that comes out about her that deals with sex. A video, maybe gangbang rumors, possibly her affinity for the 2 hole, something will come out.

But I guess after you get passed the sex appeal on the GOP ticket, they really don't have much else. Well unless you really want to see a war in Iran. I guess in the end I think I need to see a little change.

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