If there were stories popping up about bigfoot eating through people's trash everyday, than I would write about it. But bigfoot has been somewhat in hiding recently, and there isn't much to report. Useless you want to say that this recent report out of Bay City Michigan is actually bigfoot, which its not.
But I do have two new pieces of evidence that I find very interesting. The first comes out of China, and it is a mutant pig of some sorts. I don't think its a new species, maybe a hybrid or a mutation. But it is interesting. The locals are calling a pigmonkey. The story is here. But it is in Chinese.

To me this is obvious its the manbearpig offspring.

Next is some pictures of lake and sea monster. A area that I am very familiar with. There is a website out there that is claiming to have footage of such animals. There are two short clips on there that you can watch. To view the full clips you have to buy them. I have said it many times, if someone is trying to sell you something than it is not real. They are just trying to make a buck.
The website is seamonstervideos.com, and you can watch the videos for yourself. The video on the right is fake. It is a CGI. Very easy to tell. The animal does not make the water ripple when it emerges, total fake. However, the video on the left is some what interesting. Its not a CGI, and from what I can tell it is something living. It also appears to be mammal. Towards the end of the clip you can see it exiting water through a nostril or blow hole. A short portion of the clip can be found on youtube, and this is it.
Its fairly decent footage. But I really can't take it too seriously because the person is asking for money.
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