I have been saying this for a long time, specially to my friend Matt. Why do I think its evil? Lets begin.
The terms and service states:
By posting Member Content to any part of the Web site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to facebook an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, reformat, translate, excerpt and distribute such information and content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorpoate into other works, such information and content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing.
Facebook has a feature that complies statistical data on everything you do. Those applications you have on your account are creating a profile of you that can be sold to the highest bidder. Or be used by the government.
Ready, this is where is gets deep.
If this is all too confusing just watch this video.
Ready, this is where is gets deep.
- Facebook was given funding of upwards to 12.7 million US dollars from Accel Partners. The managing partner of ACCEL is a man named James W Breyer.
- James Breyer was on the Board of the National Ventures Capital Association. A Washington thinktank agency. He served personally with a man named Gilman Louie.
- Gilman Louie is the founder and CEO of In-Q-TEL.
- In-Q-TEL's primarily invests in new Data Mining Technologies.
- In-Q-TEL ciphers the internet in search for "systems" which can help the CIA data mine with ease. Something like myspace, and facebook, essentially gives the CIA access to trends in various demographics aswell as they're thought patterns and behaviors.
- In-Q-TEL ciphers the internet in search for "systems" which can help the CIA data mine with ease. Something like myspace, and facebook, essentially gives the CIA access to trends in various demographics aswell as they're thought patterns and behaviors.
- In 2004 (the same year Facebook was created) Gilman Louie, the CEO of In-Q-TEL, jumped onboard with BBN Technologies with a one Doctor Anita Jones.
- Dr Anita Jones was a former Board of Directors of In-Q-TEL, and was the former director of Defense Research and Engineering with United States Department of Defense. Her position placed her as an advisor to the Secretary of Defense, as well as an overseer to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA.
- As an overseer of DARPA, she was involved with DARPA's venture in information gathering when DARPA formed the Information Awareness Office (IAO) in January of 2002.
- The IAO was a combination of various DARPA research programs, all based around information gathering, were all combined together. IAO's missions was to "imagine, develop, apply, integrate, demonstrate and transition information technologies, components and prototype, closed-loop, information systems that will counter asymmetric threats by achieving total information awareness"
- One of IAO's many projects was something called the Scalable Social Network Analysis. project.
- Scalable Social Network Analysis: A project involving the development of techniques based on Social Network Analysis for "the key characteristics of terrorist groups and discriminating these groups from other types of societal groups.
- Essentially, it was to find a method to analyse social networks and find "characteristics" of terrorist groups.
If this is all too confusing just watch this video.
I should also note that I do have a facebook account. Feel free to add me. lol
Major props to WolfofWar he did all the leg work.
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