First the history. It was built back in 1995 on 53 sq miles. There was never a reason giving why the airport was built, because Denver already had a perfectly fine airport to begin with (Stapleton). The really only complaints about the old airport were that it was noisey. Which airport isn't loud? DIA actually has fewer runways than the old airport. It just has more free space. The originally budget was set at 1.7 billion. The final budget was over 3 billion more. It also was built in the middle of no where.
The area where they build it was mostly flat land between mountains. However, they moved 110 million cubic yards of dirt around. Why did they move so much dirt around? Because the original design called for 5 large building. After construction they said the designs were all wrong. Instead of destroying the buildings, they buried them.
The amount of fiber optics wire used, is longer than the Nile River. The internal jet fuel capacity is 2.73 million gallons. This is enough for a couple of airports. The granite that was used on the floors was shipped from all over the world. Seems extensive for a project that was 3 billion over budget. There is 19 miles of underground roads. The roof of the DIA is made out of 15 acres of teflon coated woven fiber glass. It reflects 90% of the sun and does not give off heat signatures. This makes it impossible to see inside with radar. Check out the design of the runways, what do you think they look like.

That's the construction. Now inside. The really creepy things in there are the murals. Full of death, slaughter, and genocide. Not really the best thing for nervous fliers.

Above is suppose to be one giant mural. I did my best trying to put the two together. On the right side you have kids from all over the world giving weapons to a German boy who is turning the weapons into something else. All over the body of a dead solider. On the left hand side you have a Nazi looking solider with a sword that swiped through a city and is stabbing a white dove.
The sword is about to strike the children that are trying to sleep. Strange.

Why would someone paint stuff like this? I am not sure. The artist is a famous Chicano painter.
Some info about him can be read here.

There are gargoyles throughout the airport.

Other interesting items:
- The Queen of England has reportedly been buying up property in Colorado under a proxy.
- This part of the terminal is called The Great Hall, which is known in Masonic lingo as their meeting hall.
- It was build on Native American burial grounds, and there has been reported ghost sightings.
- Phil Schneider, one of the government's most famous whistle blowers said that there was a base underneath the airport. Shortly before he was murdered.
1 comment:
The capstone you mention displays the symbol of the Masons--that compass and ruler with a "G" in the middle is their most well-known symbol.
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