Plum Island Disease Research Center is located off the tip of Long Island. Their they study a bunch of different animal disease and develop different animal vaccines.

They do some heavy duty research there. They list that they do some BSL-3 level work. Which is some bad new agents. But I wouldn't be surprised if they also did some BSL-4 work there to. Which is usually selective agents that in small amounts can kill. For example something like anthrax.
Why do I think this? A few years ago The Department of Homeland Security was sent there to secure the island. And is now in charge of security.
Seems a little much for what is supposedly to be veterinarians and scientist working on animal vaccines. What I also find interesting is that any animal that happens to swim to the island is killed instantly. I can't confirm this, but I have heard plenty of rumors that Lyme disease originate from Plum Island. Lyme Connecticut is just North of Plum Island.

Now this is just a possible explanation. I can't prove that they are doing any mad genet

But Montauk itself has its own skeletons, some really dark stuff use to go on their. But that's for another day.
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