IOWA CITY - Two teenage males wearing black "ninja" attire robbed an east side convenience store late Sunday. Police responded to Deli Mart, 1920 Lower Muscatine Rd., around 10:49 p.m. when the robbery was reported. One of the males displayed what appeared to be a handgun and demanded money from the clerk, police said. The other confronted a customer and demanded money from her. The two males, who were wearing masks that covered their faces, made off with an undisclosed amount of cash and left the store, police said. They were last seen running through the Sycamore Mall parking lot. The first suspect was described as a black teenage male, between 5-foot-6 and 5-foot-8, with a skinny frame and long braids in his hair. The second suspect was also described as a black teenage male, between 5-foot-10 and 5-foot-11 and lanky. Neither the Deli Mart clerk nor the customer were injured. An investigation continues into the incident. A reward of up to $1,000 for the arrest of these suspects is available through the Iowa City Area CrimeStoppers. Anonymous tips are accepted. Anyone with information is asked to call CrimeStopers at (319) 358-TIPS (8477)

I am always disappointed in the lack of ninjas stories. Specially with the Olympics going on in China I was hoping for at least Ninja story out of Beijing. But no, the only ninjas stories that ever pop up are these lame ass ones. Seriously, these guys probably aren't even ninjas.
I have never seen or heard of a black ninja before, does he even need a ninja hood? And why are all the ninja stories now are about robbing something? Where are the good ninjas? Everybody thinks there Storm Shadow now. I demand a ninja resurgence.

1 comment:
Ninjas are Japanese not Chinese!
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