Gone ... before they could get wild in Chelmsford
CHELMSFORD -- Riding in the rolling billboard, the camera crew for Girls Gone Wild tours the country in search of "the hottest young coeds."
On Sunday, Aug. 10, the Girls Gone Wild bus was scheduled to land at the Big Kahuna Bar & Grill. But club management pulled the plug on the event yesterday when town officials began asking questions.
"I think it would be subject to adult-entertainment laws," said Selectmen Chairman Philip Eliopoulos. "If they're selling tickets to see nudity being filmed in a vehicle, in a parking lot, that is not covered by their entertainment license."
Eliopoulos said police could have the authority to shut down the club and issue fines to club owners and people on the bus.
Its not like there are many places in Chelmsford where you could hold a event like this, but outside of a Golds Gym seems a little odd. I have only been to that bar inside that place once. And I would have to say there was some serious talent working in there. Its estimated that Joe Francis (owner of GGW) rakes in 29 million per year. I am sure the GGW bus has some sort of hot chick radar, that was probably developed by the military.
And who is the Philp Eliopoulos fellow? He is obviously not thinking about the public. If he wa

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